Hello, I'm Ana.
I design digital products.

PUC Acolhe, supporting the student's journey

App screen on a yellow background. A question about the student's experience appears onscreen.

Bridging the gap between university students and mental health support.

Fictional client: SEAP

Conclusion project for Design BA in PUCPR

Solo project

  • Responsible for
  • Design process
  • Research
  • UX/UI
  • Illustration


The pandemic has worsened stress and anxiety levels among university students in Brazil. PUCPR has a department to support students with their mental health, SEAP, but they only reach about 20% of their students. Students struggle on their own and don't know that they can get support.


A companion app that facilitates making appointments with SEAP's psychologists, offers daily check-ins to help students reflect on their mental health and academic struggles, and offers personalized insights and workshops based on the students' unique needs.

Project details

Bimo, emotional intelligence app

Orange and blue emojis have happy and sad expressions. Bimo, Feel, write, discover

Improving emotional vocabulary and supporting young people's mental health.

Made in the Apple Developer Academy

Team project

  • Responsible for
  • UX/UI
  • Illustration
  • Figma prototype


When it comes to mental health, teenagers and young adults are the group that has been the most affected by the pandemic. Professional psychological help is very important, but not always available or affordable. Writing about stressful events shows significant improvement in mental health overall.


Bimo helps expand young people's emotional awareness and vocabulary with daily journaling sessions. Write about emotions, reflect on what they mean to you, discover and explore their meanings.

Project details

Dux, a guide for digital nomads

A hand of someone in a crowded city center holds a phone. An app with place recommendations are onscreen.

Empoweing nomads to feel at home in a new city.

Design project developed in PUCPR

Team project

  • Responsible for
  • User flows
  • Interface design
  • Figma prototype


Digital nomads change cities frequently, and getting used to a new place takes time. They often rely on coworkings and cafés to work remotely, and will go through try and error to find places that fit their needs.


Dux offers detailed information on work spaces available around the city, with ratings from the community on digital nomads specific needs. A guide that focuses on nomads' autonomy and productivity.

Project details

Pet Match, adopt with care

App for pet adoption on a mockup.

Adopt the perfect pet for your lifestyle.

Developed for the App Design class in PUCPR

Team project

  • Responsible for
  • Usability testing
  • Co-responsible for UX/UI


Brazil has astoundingly high numbers of abandoned dogs and cats. Many owners abandon their pets around December, seen as an inconvenience when they need to travel. Responsible pet adoption is essential to guarantee that pets are treated with care and respect, and that begins by a good match between the owners' lifestyle and the pet characteristics.


PetMatch allows choosing preferences for the pet's personality and traits, so the owner and the pet are more likely to be a good fit into each other's routines. Look up pets that are available for adoption, schedule visits with their caretakers, and get informed about how to take care of your pet.

Project details